Chairman | Marilyn Dennis CPAGB | 020 8582 1631 email: MarilynDennis at |
Vice Chairman | Barry Lanning LRPS | 020 8868 5567 |
Secretary and Programme Secretary |
Val Walker ARPS | 01895 625325 |
Publicity Secretary and Webmaster |
Catherine Allen | 01895 634611 |
Membership Secretary | Alan Rhodes | 020 8868 1785 email: alan_t_rhodes at |
Treasurer | John Coombe | 01895 672068 |
Internal Print Secretary | Graham Corio | 020 8864 7299 |
Internal Slide and Digital Secretary | Chris Wallace | 020 8845 5372 01923 892190 work email: chris-feps at |
External Competitions Secretary | Peter Trowell | 01895 672726 email: peter.trowell01 at |