
We extend a warm welcome to visitors and photgraphers of all abilities, from amateur to professional, and whether you prefer using film or digital cameras.

We recommend that potential members come along to the club for two or three weeks to see if what we do suits you. We pride ourselves on being a friendly club, but just like any other club or society, the satisfaction you derive from being a member will largely depend on how much interest and support you are willing to give. Members who take an active part generally get more from their membership and reap the rewards in their photography.

Our annual subscriptions are as follows:

Full members        £30

Concession and
Social Members   £20

Subscriptions are due at the start of every season. Concessionary rates are available to anyone over 60 and those under 18. Please note that social members may not enter competitions.

Hopefully our website provides all the information you need, but if you should have any queries, please contact either our Membership Secretary or the Club Secretary.

photo of Alan Rhodes, Membership Secretary

Alan Rhodes
Membership Secretary
Telephone 020 8868 1785
e-mail: alan_t_rhodes at

photo of Val Walker, Club Secretary

Val Walker
Club Secretary
Telephone 01895 625235
e-mail: vwalker at

Download a membership application form in pdf format here.